Becoming a teen mother can present unique challenges, but it’s important to remember that success is still within reach.  

Embracing Motherhood 

I go into the story in my book, Shift on Purpose, of how at 19 I found myself facing the daunting reality of motherhood. Instead of letting this define my life in a negative way, I chose to embrace the role of a mother with determination and an unwavering commitment to giving my child the best possible start in life. 

Embracing motherhood is a transformative journey that begins with an abundance of love and a profound sense of responsibility. It’s a process of nurturing, guiding, and supporting a new life, where each moment is an opportunity to witness growth and development. Through the challenges and joys, embracing motherhood fosters an unbreakable bond between a mother and her child, creating a lasting legacy of love and care. The same transformative power that can grow your capacity to love and sacrifice, if you allow—can give you perspective of empathy that can give you an advantage in your career. 

Education as an Empowerment Tool 

Education served as a ladder to opportunity for me. I recognized that in order to secure a brighter future for myself and my child, I needed to invest in my own learning. I pursued my education with tenacity, juggling motherhood and studies. This was my first step towards breaking the cycle of disadvantage. You, reader, have an advantage, as the access to remote learning has exploded since the over two decades ago while I was navigating college courses with a toddler. You can earn entire degrees online—it’s a matter of how you choose to spend your time one the internet. Will you seek “likes” for the sake of it or will you acquire certifications and credits? 

Finding Mentorship and Support 

Seeking guidance and mentorship played a crucial role in my journey. I connected with individuals who could provide valuable advice and encouragement, as well as offer insights into navigating the challenges of motherhood and entrepreneurship. These mentors allowed me to learn so much from their experience instead of having to learn every lesson on my own. Thanks to their guidance I was able to fast track my efforts. 

Identifying Passion and Skills 

I explored my interests and honed my skills. I discovered a passion for entrepreneurship—specifically developing systems and processes and recognized my potential to turn it into a business. This self-discovery became the driving force behind my journey toward success. If there’s one thing that most parents can agree on, its how much being a parent reveals to you about yourself. Use this as a tool—consider your interactions with your child. What brings you joy—of all the interactions, what do you rarely tire of? What do you find yourself prioritizing as important for your child? What might that tell you about what motivates you? How can you harness that driving force into income-generating efforts? 

The Entrepreneurial Leap 

Taking the entrepreneurial leap was not without its share of risks and sacrifices, but I was not one to be deterred. I started a small business that aligned with my passion, and over time, it grew into a successful venture that provided me with financial independence. It may seem like taking on the risks involved with entrepreneurial pursuits while you are responsible for feeding another person may seem even more daunting—if anything you can choose to see it as a motivator. Here’s a little secret—toddlers do not care what brand of shoes they wear. If forging the latest trend in baby footwear will allow you to invest in that software you need for your business—or spend, or maybe take the time it requires to market your business that is unpaid (upfront)–let that baby wear some Walmart specials, and invest in something that will last much longer.   

Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship 

Balancing the responsibilities of motherhood and entrepreneurship is a constant challenge. I learned to manage my time wisely, set boundaries, and delegate tasks when necessary. More than just words, you can model the power of perseverance, determination, and hard work for your child through your actions. 

My days of cheerios on the floor and parent-teacher conferences are behind me, as my three children are grown—my baby graduated from college just months ago. I have the benefit of having truly experienced the saying “The days are long but the years are short.” I want to encourage you to push through. My story stands as proof that it is possible to create a brighter future for yourself and your children. 

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